Agnimukha Nuts

Agnimukha nuts

Agnimukha nut is only remedy described in Charak Samhita and other Ayurvedic classics for various types of cancer treatment. Only purified form of Agnimukha nuts is recommended. The nut is commonly known as Semicarpus anacardium’ in medical science and in the vernacular as ‘Ballataka’ or ‘Bhilwa’.

 It has high priority and applicability in indigenous system of medicine emecarpus. The nut is known as Amrut Rasayna in ayurved. 

Anti-cancer activity:
In Ayurveda classics, numerous references are available on the anticancer properties of Agnimukha nut. An extensive review describes the phytochemical and pharmacological properties of Agnimukha nut. 

The purified form of Agnimukha nut nut possess antitumour action with increased life span against leukaemia, melanoma and glioma. The milk extract of Agnimukha nut produces regression of hepatocarcinoma by stimulating host immune system and normalizing tumour markers including alpha-fetoprotein levels.

This preparation stabilizes the lysozomes, and normalizes glycoprotein and mineral content in the body during cancer progression. Histologically, on treatment with the Agnimukha nut extract to hepatocarcinoma animals, the liver sections showed almost a normal architecture.

It provides clinical benefit with an extension of survival time in various cancers including oesophageal, chronic myeloid leukaemia, urinary bladder and liver cancer. Another Ayurvedic drug containing Agnimukha nut inhibit breast tumour development in mice by significantly extending the survival period. This drug was also found to be efficient in clinical trials.

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